4 april, 80.2kg, KHK klara för Allsvenskan!

The weight today was 80.2kg (down by 0.8 kg compared to yesterday).

KHK klara för Allsvenskan! KHK ready for second highest division in Sweden

Idag spelade KHK bortamatch mot Sundsvall. Därför begav jag mig till Telenor Arena Karlskrona för att se matchen med 1540 andra hockeytokiga KHK-fans. Och vilken stämning det var!

Today Karlskrona Hockey Club played an away game against Sundswall. Hence I went to Telenor Arena Karskrona to see the game together with 1540 other hockeycraving KHK-fans. And what an atmosphere!

Många bilar på parkeringen - A lot of cars in the parking lot

Många bilar på parkeringen - A lot of cars in the parking lot

Matchen började som brukligt med nationalsången framförd av Dennis Glimmerfors som fick stora ovationer som vanligt 🙂

The game started as usual with the national anthem, today performed by Dennis Glimmerfors who got standing ovations as he always gets 🙂

5 minuter in i matchen tog Karlskrona ledningen genom Pöllänen. När det var 5 sekunder kvar till periodvila så kvitterade dock Sundsvall till 1-1. Därefter lossnade det lite bättre för KHK med 1-2, 1-3 inom loppet av 5 minuter in i andra perioden. Underbart! Därefter reducering till 2-3.

5 minutes into the game Karlskrona scored through Pöllänen. When it was only 5 seconds left of the first period Sundsvall scored 1-1. The second period started great for Karlskrona and we scored 1-2 and then 1-3 within 5 minutes! Wonderful! Awesome!. After that Sundvall scored to 2-3.

Sen var det däremot KHK som fick utdelning. KHK har målvakten Timo Leinonen att tacka för denna segern, samt de uppoffrande backarna såklart. Hoppas att det gick bra för Jonas Karlsson som utgick skadad i början av matchen med en axelskada. Matchen slutade till slut 2-6 och därmed har Karlskrona tagit klivet upp i hockeyallsvenskan, Sveriges näst högsta division.

The rest of the game KHK was the only team that scored. Much thanks to the goal-keeper Time Leinonen who we owe many thanks to, together with the self-sacrificing defense-men of course. I hope Jonas Karlsson, who had to leave the game early due to a shoulder injury, will re-coperate quickly. The game ended 2-6 and thanks to this, Karlskrona will play in “hockeyallsvenskan” next season, Swedens’s second highest division.

Ledsen för den dåliga ljudkvaliteten – Sorry about the sound quality

Phone meeting

Today we had a customer/partner meeting (me via phone and my CEO at the partner’s site) and it went really really well. Gained a lot of positive energy from it 🙂


3 short walks


Breakfast: 3 knäckebröd with keso (chipotle-chili), ham, avocado, orangejuice, antioxidant capsule,

Lunch: Gyrosroll with hot sauce

Dinner: Big Mac o Co, Mineral water citrus

Other: Apple, cookie, cheeze balls

Word of the day

Uppoffrande – Self-sacrificing

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