18 april, 80.3kg, Boxfit at Lokomotion

Today the weight was 80.3kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday). Sweet! 🙂


My collegue had the idea that I should try Boxfit after me posting something about going to Lokomotion (one of the local gyms here in Karlskrona). So we ended up being four lindy hop dancers going there :). Also met two friends from the class before, one of them is also a lindy hopper 🙂 and the other was the Zumba instructor. In total we were 7 participants plus the instructor for the Boxfit class. The exercises (thanks Karla for reminding me of the exercises I had forgot!):

  • Datten (pjett) – This is an original childs game but good for get the cardio pumping. One person is appointed “hunter” and should then run after the others and touch one who then becomes the hunter and so it continues for a few minutes. Score! I was the only one who never became the hunter. I guess my recent zombie-evading-runs are actually paying off 🙂
  • Normal punches – Now we took turns holding the “mitsar” (sort of protective gear) and hitting. First normal straight punches (left to right and right to left), then hooks (more from the side with bent elbows). To finish it up we did uppercuts. Then we began from the beginning again and one could feel that this was a good and fun exercise! Also, just holding the “mitsar” proved to be good training as well.
  • Light punches on the big “mits” while both bending legs, with some jumps to break the pattern and to activate more muscle groups I guess.
  • Alternating kicks, knees and punches in different levels. First one did straight low kicks on every step towards the partners “mitsar”. The goal here was to keep the tempo. Then we raised the level of the “mitsar” and switched to kneeing. Then normal straight punches and then at the end we were to punch over the partners head (holding the mitsar over ones head was quite painful for the arms :), static training).
  • Combination with kick-turn-kick back and turn. First one kick (side kick) with one leg and one continue the turn so the back is toward the sparring partner. Then you do a horse kick with the other leg (upwards back).
  • The idiot. 10 pushups, run across the floor, do 10 situps, run back and then do the same thing again but only do 9 of each and then onwards 8, 7… down to 1. Quite painful for the stomach/core for me. But good exercise.
  • Very tough exercise for the abs. Lying on the back with legs/feet 10 cm above ground and then lift the legs straight up towards the partners stomach whose ancles you hold on to for support. This was really tough on the abs…
  • The ring. Stood in the ring just japping (punching) with bent knees and stepping/jumping. Then at times the instructor shouted jump, situps or pushup and we followed her command and then back to punching.

I really liked the exercise, it got my heart pumping and I tried something I haven’t tried before. The Boxfit class was 55 minutes long.

Sample exercise from another place



Breakfast: Yoghurt with a banana

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffet, mixed food.

Dinner: Goulash soup

Other: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 clementine, 4 cookies (I deleted them good), Glycoslim-whey-80 strawberry with milk and frozen raspberries. Goji-berries.

17 april, 80.5kg, volleyball, lindy hop shim-sham, KHK t-shirt

Today the weight was 80.5kg (down 1.1kg since yesterday).

KHK t-shirt Mission Completed

Today I met a few of the KHK hockey players when I was buying my t-shirt – KHK Mission Completed. It’s a celebration t-shirt for the advancement to the Allsvenskan, only 300 copies are sold and I signed up early for it.


Beachvolley (indoor) 90 minutes. We played 2 on 2 the whole time. Nice. Got some semi-good spikes to the side 🙂

Lindy hop 40 minutes. We practiced Shim Sham in preparation for the dance performance we are about to give.


Breakfast: Yoghurt with a banana

Lunch: Vindaloo xhot-rice, citrus

Dinner: 2 originalburgers from Max.

Other: 3 cookies, icecream, whey-80 strawberry (protein supplement)


16 april, 81.6kg, zombie run

Idag stod vågen på 81.6 kg (upp 0.5 kg jämfört med igår)


Löpning. Tog en zombie run. Skönt att komma ut och röra på sig.

Calories: 677 kcal
Average Pace: 5:35 min/km
Distance: 8.20 km
Duration: 45m:48s


Frukost: Yoghurt

Lunch: Pastasallad med kyckling och fetaost med vitlökssås

Middag: Glycoslim choklad med frysta hallon, whey-80 jordgubb (0.5dl), gojibär

Övrigt: 3 kakor, noggerglass, 1 clementin, 1 banan

5 april, 80.4kg, volleyball practice

Today the weight was 80.4kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday morning).


Played indoor beachvolleyball for 2 hours.


Breakfast: oatmeal with raspberry, cinnamon, ginger.

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffet, mixed food

Dinner: Max Cheese & Bacon burger, sallad

Other: Natural candy (?), hot dog, Whey-80 strawberry

Word of the day: Havregrynsgröt – Oatmeal

3 april, 81kg, beachvolleyball, lindy hop

Today the weight was 81kg (up 0.5kg since yesterday morning)


Beachvolley 90min. Today we only played 2 on 2 (paradise games).

Lindy hop 60min. Me and Karla practised some of the aerials from the advanced aerial workshop. We did 3-4 hip-flips. The first ones since the workshop, nice! Also did some Beetle, some frog jumps, one pecking. We also did the turn upside down :).

Bugg 10 minutes (typical swedish social dance)


Breakfast: 3 knäckebröd with keso (chipotle-chili), ham, orange juice, antioxidant capsule

Lunch: Chicken Masala xhot no rice, citrus mineral water

Dinner: Meat with potatoe gratain and carrots, orange juice

Other: 2 apples, goji berries, Whey-80 strawberry, Skyr raspberry-pomegranate

2 april, 80.5kg, zombie run during lunch time, boogie woogie class

Today the weight was at 80.5 kg (up 0.3 kg since yesterday).

Wedding in Atlanta

For some reasons some of you didn’t seem to believe me when I wrote that I had purchased a plane ticket to Atlanta for a period in May to go to a wedding with the bride’s sister (whom I haven’t met yet). I guess 1 April was a bad day to share such news so hence I’m resharing it again. I’m really looking forward to this trip and the wedding. I’m sure it will be an experience! That is why some of my posts here will be in english as well since my wedding date may have a hard time reading my postings in swedish :).

Zombie run during lunch

Today I had mission 8, “Tess – A traitor is fleeing with important secrets”. She had stolen some laptops and sensitive information so I and another runner had to catch up with her before she could hand it over to another town. Luckily we succeeded and we found some motorbikes to use on the way home. The exercise today took about 50 minutes and the distance was 8km.


Running 50minutes, 8km (see zombie run above for details)

Boogie woogie 80 minutes. The only new turna today was a passage with a double turn (i.e. both turn during the passing). The other was a turn for both persons as well: triple step, triple step, a push to signal turn and at that time both turn on the place and then do a passing after the turn is complete.


Breakfast:   3 knäckebröd with keso (chipotle-chili), ham, orange juice, antioxidant capsule

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffet (mixed swedish and thai food)

Dinner: Porkchops in sauce with potatoes and rice and sallad

Other: natural candy, apple, Whey-80 strawberry

29 mars, 80.6, volleyboll, spännande telefonsamtal

Idag stod vågen på 80.6kg (upp 0.4kg sedan igår).


Beachvolleyspel (inomhus) 1.5timme. Vi spelade 2 mot 2 spel hela tiden. Hoppas man snart kan vara på Långö varje kväll och spela 🙂

Spännande telefonsamtal

Idag hade jag ett spännande 30 minuters telefonsamtal med en kompis som beskrev sin plan att kidnappa mig (av en positiv anledning). Jag gjorde noggranna noteringar över hennes argument och min vana trogen ritade jag små checkboxar före tre av huvudargumenten. Tycker planen är toppen, kul men lite galen 🙂

Exciting phonecall

Today I had an exciting 30 minute phonecall with a friend who described her plan to kidnap me (in a good way!). As usually I took careful notes and made little checkboxes just before three of the main arguments. Sounds like an awesome and fun but crazy plan 🙂


Frukost: 3 knäckebröd med keso (fyra sorters lök) samt rostbiff, apelsinjuice, anti-axidantkapsel

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffe, blandad mat

Middag: Glycoslim choklad med frysta hallon

Övrigt: 1 äpple, 1 banan, 1 clementin, Whey-80 jordgubb

23 mars, okänd vikt, Asplöven-KHK 4-3

Idag har jag aning aning om vad jag väger. Har troligen gått upp pga dålig kost samt ingen träning. Hoppas man får tid att komma iväg och köpa nya vågbatterier (undrar om de är extra “strömmiga”). Förlåt, det skämtet var lite “hafsigt” påkommet.

Kvalseriematch Asplöven-KHK 4-3

Idag mötte KHK Asplöven borta. En jämn match som innehöll ett bortdömt mål åt båda hållen.


21:57. För 35 minuter sedan postade jag ursprungspostningen för idag där jag beskrev hockeymatchen i korthet. Nu kollade jag site stats och upptäcker att någon har Googlat följande och kommit till min sida. Hur ofta indexerar Google min sida egentligen? 🙂

Search Views
asplöven 1

Rätt kul tycker jag men jag är ju ganska lättroad.


Frukost: 1 fralla med ost, skinka,apelsinmarmelad

Lunch: Halv indisk kycklingpizza

Absolut bästa pizzan, alla kategorier

Middag: 1 felix färdigrätt – pasta bolognese, celsius lime

Övrigt: 1 glass, 4 chokladbullar (ca), 1 tårtbit, chokladmousse med lättmjölk, hallon och whey-80

21 mars, 80.5kg, onsdagsfika, KHK-Krif 5-2

Idag stod vågen på 80.5kg (upp 0.4kg jämfört med igår)


Idag vann KHK en skön seger mot KRIF med 5-2. Matchen började dock med ett 0-1 mål till bortalaget, vad jag förstått så var det en insparkad puck som gav målet. KHK slet dock genom hela matchen och det gav utdelning. Vi leder fortfarande kvalserien till Allsvenskan. Sweet!


Frukost: Havregrynsgröt med hallonsylt kanel och ingefära, 1 anti-oxidantkapsel

Lunch: Kycklingrulle

Middag: Spicy Cheddar mål på max (citrus, morötter)

Onsdagsfika: 3 chokladbollar, 3 kardemummagifflar, 2 vanilj-hallon-längd-bitar

Övrigt: 4 glassar (ungefär), Whey-80 blandat med vatten och hallon


20 mars, 80.1kg, bokföring på morgonen

Idag stod vågen på 80.1kg (ner 0.4kg).


Gick upp extra tidigt imorse för att ta en sväng till kontoret för att fixa lite bokföring och samla ihop pärmarna. Lite senare under dagen lämnade jag in dem till revisorn så att han kan göra bokslut.


Frukost: havregrynsgröt med hallonsylt kanel och ingefära, 1 anti-oxidantkapsel.

Lunch: Halv red devil pizza

Middag: Halv red devil pizza

Övrigt: 3 glassar, Whey-80 jordgubb.